Friday, October 30, 2009

My heart is my altar

Back in the day when I could still run, a running friend of mine told me one fine morning, "My heart is my altar." She said that she carries it with her everywhere she goes. I thought of that phrase as I was making one of the mini altars that will go on the larger altar for Dia de los Muertos. Here's the completed mini altar for our dear friend, Candace Goldwater.

There aren't too many days that go by that I don't think of Candace. Everytime I pick of a pair of knitting needles, I think of Candace's skill at this art, and her patient tutoring of the novice knitters who had the privilege to "sit and knit" with her.

Candace had a great sense of humor and an eclectic spirituality. I'm sure she will laugh heartily wherever her spirit resides when she sees the yarn on those little toothpicks I turned into knitting needles. And, she would have really laughed if she caught a look at this ~

Not one of our better moments, paper-flower-wise, but I'll bet Candace would tape it to her refrigerator door to show off our efforts.

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